The CD&C Lab strives to be an inclusive and supportive community for all members and affiliates, including undergraduate assistants, graduate students, research staff, and collaborators. We strive to create and maintain an intellectual and work environment that is nurturing and constructive, that encourages open communication, and that upholds the highest standards for rigorous, meaningful, and ethical research.
The CD&C lab views diversity of identities, backgrounds, and perspectives as integral to high-quality scientific work. We recognize that there are structures in our society and in our scientific and educational institutions that disadvantage individuals from some groups. In particular, we recognize that there are longstanding patterns of racial injustice and oppression in academia and in science more broadly. As a lab, we are committed to reflecting on our roles in this oppression, and to working to address these inequities on multiple fronts: in our research practices; in our hiring practices; in our interactions within our laboratory, university, and scientific communities; and through continuing education.
The CD&C lab is also committed to open science practices, including pre-registering confirmatory studies, publishing some of our work in open access outlets, and sharing experimental materials, such as coding manuals, scripts for statistical analyses, and de-identified data (to the extent possible). We welcome feedback on our lab policies and practices. If you have suggestions, please contact