Projects & Collaborators

Computer-generated woman pointing to a graph.Diagram of the life cycle of a ladybug.

Fostering conceptual understanding and skill with an intelligent tutoring system for equation solving

  • Collaborators: Vincent Aleven, Carnegie Mellon University
  • This project will develop a new intelligent tutoring system for algebra equation solving that will foster learners’ acquisition of integrated conceptual and procedural knowledge. The new system will incorporate a range of conceptually-oriented activities, including self-explanations, visual representations, and “warm-up” to activate relevant prior knowledge.
  • Funded by the National Science Foundation, 6/1/18 – 5/31/21

Cultivating Knowledge of Mathematical Equivalence

The role of visual representations in children’s learning about biological variability

  • Collaborators: Karl Rosengren, University of Wisconsin; Chuck Kalish, University of Wisconsin
  • The broad aim of the current proposal is to investigate the role of visual representations in promoting (or interfering with) learning and transfer about biological variability. We will focus on two types of visual representations: lifecycle diagrams and genetic diagrams.
  • Funded by the National Science Foundation, 9/1/18 – 8/31/21

Connecting Mathematical Ideas through Multimodal Instruction

Relations between Gesture, Action and Thinking

Cartoon of children discussing how to solve 9 + 7 + 5 = __ + 9.